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Does the Cateye keep going off? Or not quick enough?


The sensitivity of the sensor is adjustable. This is not our intent to require folks to make adjustments. We engineer our alarms to get the perfect trade off between quick enough, but not too quick in response to a stimulus. Sometimes, however, based on the placement of the sensor during installation, adjustments are required. 

When the Cateye keeps going off (i.e., false alarms), usually the reason is because it is pointed directly on the converter or directly down to the ground. Most of these scenarios can be troubleshooted by re-positioning the sensor so the majority of its field of view is not obstructed within 12 inches of the sensor "eye".  We recommend the sensor be positioned near the front of the vehicle looking from front-to-back so it can scan the entire underside of the vehicle. 

If the current placement is preferred, or the above recommendations already tried, we can guide you through how to open the box and adjust the sensor to make it less sensitive:


  • You will unscrew the box (make sure it's disconnected from the car battery) to expose the electrical boards and wires inside. You will see multiple boards, but the board of interest is the red rectangular board shown below.

    • NOTE: *if you have a manual alarm* there will be two red boards inside. The red board with a red dot drawn on top of the blue block is the only one you should adjust. 

  • The sensor looks for sustained movement over a period of several seconds. If movement stops before the alarm is triggered, it starts counting over until the detected pattern exceeds the limit to sound the alarm.  This feature can be adjusted to increase the delay (i.e., less false alarms) or eliminate any delay at all (i.e., more sensitive to go off quicker).  

  • Every revolution of the screw on the red board in the clockwise direction will add about 0.4 seconds to the delay, making it less sensitive. By turning the screw on the red board counterclockwise, you will make it go off quicker, by 0.4 seconds per revolution. If you turn it 10-15 times counterclockwise, the delay will be reduced to zero. It will go off pretty quick.

  • The diagram below describes this in more detail:

Sensor adjustment diagram.jpg
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